Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Grow Your Blog With A WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugin

Grow Your Blog With A WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugin Do you have a WordPress blog? Is your blog growing? If the answer is no, there may be a simple reason why †¦and it is as simple as installing a WordPress  editorial calendar plugin. I am sure that youve heard of an editorial calendar, but you may be missing the key to using it as a tool for growing your blog.  Bloggers are discovering this secret to blog growth, and for you, it may only be a click away. Many bloggers have found the secret to blog growth. Have you? #editorialcalendar What Is An Editorial Calendar? Before we get too far, let me review what an editorial calendar is. Skip this part if youve heard it before. An editorial calendar is basically a place where you can see all of your content in a single place. A good editorial calendar will give you a birds-eye-view of your entire content publishing plan, and allows you to visualize your marketing strategy at a glance. It is generally visible as a monthly or weekly calendar. A few of its key benefits include: Providing a canvas for blog post ideas and key topics. A management platform for editorial tasks and team members. A visual publishing schedule that helps you maintain consistency. Drag-and-drop simplicity for adjusting your schedule. A visualized view of your content plan. A platform for promoting your post across many channels. Its easy to see why the prospect of an editorial calendar is pretty alluring for any blogger who is looking to get their content more organized. In the coming year, businesses are set to spend more time and money on content marketing than ever before, and it is easy to see why.  Many companies that blog generate 67% more leads than companies that dont1. Companies that blog generate 67% more leads than companies that dont. #editorialcalendarNot only can an editorial calendar help you grow your blog, it can also help you grow your bottom line. Why You Need An Editorial Calendar For Your WordPress Blog Neil Patel, blogger over at Quick Sprout, has listed the editorial calendar as one of the top 10 growth strategies for small business bloggers, and he has good reason to do so. In recent surveys, at least 61% of consumers say they feel better about, and are more likely to buy from, a company that delivers custom content 1. Content marketing is a smart investment for any business, and that means that we need to protect our investment as much as we can.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Tamarisk - the Noxious Western Tree

Tamarisk - the Noxious Western Tree Saltcedar is one of several common names for an invasive non-native tree that is spreading rapidly through the intermountain region of the western United States, through the Colorado River Canyons, the Great Basin, California, and Texas. Other common names include tamarisk and salt cedar. The tamarisk is degrading the rarest of habitats in the desert southwest - the wetlands. Salt cedar invades springs, ditches, and streambanks. The tree has taken over more than 1 million acres of the precious Western riparian resource. Rapid Growth Rate Under good conditions, the opportunistic tamarisk can grow 9 to 12 feet in a single season. Under drought conditions, saltcedar survives by dropping its leaves. This ability to survive under harsh desert conditions has given the tree an edge over more desirable native species and causing a sharp decline in cottonwood populations. Regenerative Ability Mature plants can survive flooding for up to 70 days and can quickly colonize moist areas due to the constant availability of seeds. The plants ability to exploit suitable germinating conditions over a long time period gives saltcedar a considerable advantage over native riparian species. Habitat Mature tamarisk can also resprout vegetatively after fire, flood, or treatment with herbicides and can adapt to wide variations in soil condition. Saltcedar will grow at elevations up to 5,400 feet and prefers saline soils. They typically occupy sites with intermediate moisture, high water tables, and minimal erosion. Adverse Impacts The serious direct impacts of saltcedar are numerous. This invasive tree is now taking over and displacing native plants, specifically cottonwood, using its aggressive growth advantage in areas where natural native communities have been damaged by fire, flood or some other disturbance. Native plants have proven to be more valuable in retaining moisture on wetlands than tamarisk. The loss of these native species to tamarisk eventually leads to a net loss of water. A Water Hog The tamarisk has an extremely rapid evapotranspiration rate. There is a fear that this rapid loss of moisture could possibly cause serious depletion of groundwater. There is also an increased deposition of sediments in tamarisk-infested streams which causes a blockage. These sediment deposits encourage dense clumps of saltcedar growth which then promotes flooding during periods of heavy rain. Controls There are essentially 4 methods to control tamarisk - mechanical, biological, competition, and chemical. The complete success of any management program depends on the integration of all methods. Mechanical control, including hand-pulling, digging, use of weed eaters, axes, machetes, bulldozers, and fire, may not be the most efficient method for removal of saltcedar. Hand labor is not always available and is costly unless it is volunteered. When heavy equipment is used, the soil is often disturbed with consequences that may be worse than having the plant. In many situations, control with herbicides is the most efficient and effective method of control for removal of tamarisk. The chemical method allows regeneration and/or re-population of natives or re-vegetation with native species. The use of herbicides can be specific, selective and fast. Insects are being investigated as potential biological control agents for saltcedar. Two of these, a mealybug (Trabutina mannipara) and a leaf beetle (Diorhabda elongata), have preliminary approval for release. There is some concern over the possibility that, due to the environmental damage caused by tamarisk, native plant species may not be able to replace it if the biological control agents succeed in eliminating it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wave power renewable energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wave power renewable energy - Essay Example In the similar manner, wind energy converts the wind to energy. On the other hand, non renewable energy resources utilize fossil fuel resources like coal, petroleum oil and natural gas to produce energy. Non renewable energy resources produce immense amount of green house emissions. Non renewable energy resources are going to end one day but renewable energy resources are not going t end till the end of the earth. The prices of oil and gas are rising day by day and renewable energy resources are free for all. Wave energy is also a renewable form of energy has several advantages over on renewable energy resources. Wave energy converts the hydrodynamic energy of the waves to a usable energy form (mostly electricity). Waves are formed due to the impact of the high winds on the surface of oceans. When a wave id formed an immense amount of water is forced to displace. The displacement of the water can be changes to energy. Wave energy is a renewable form of energy as it produces no green house gas emission and requires no fuel to generate energy (Henderson, 2006, p.271). Several methods are utilized to convert the wave energy to electricity. One method of the wave energy conversion is to utilize the high surge of air blasting through an enclosed air trapping body. The high surge of air rotates the air turbine with an immense power. The turbine is directly connected to an alternator r generator that converts the mechanical energy to electrical energy (Australian Ethical, 2014). Other methods include the hydraulic pressure generation, hydroelectric turbine generation and linear generator. The power generation method utilizing the hydraulics captures the wave energy by using the submerged wave columns. When a wave comes, water is hydraulically pressured by the water columns to move the turbine blades directly from the high pressurized water or utilized to be filled in a reservoir. The water from

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The films Jurassic Park and The Matrix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The films Jurassic Park and The Matrix - Essay Example This research is the best example of comparison of the films Jurassic Park and The Matrix. There exist some similarities and dissimilarities between both these films and directors. To be specific, the most important similarity is that both the films represent the same theme, future of human race and development within science, computing and information technology. The basic difference is that both the directors superimpose the same theme in different contexts. One can easily identify that the film Jurassic Park is symbolic of the industrial scope of amusement parks. So, the Jurassic Park which consists of cloned dinosaurs represents the human effort to exploit the scope of amusement parks as an industrial venture. In the film, the spark of greed that can be viewed in the eyes of John Hammond (owner of the park) while inviting the experts to the park (opening scene) prove that industrial interest is the grass root level reason behind the construction of the park, not mere amusement. O n the other side, the film The Matrix deals with the scope of philosophy that can be inculcated to the scenario of cinematography. To be specific, the portrayal of the protagonist (Neo) as a superhuman in a number of fight scenes is interconnected with the philosophical concept of super-humanism put forth by Nietzsche. So, the film Jurassic Park represents the influence of industrialization in the field of amusement and the film The Matrix represents the influence of philosophy in the cinematography. ... Besides, Spielberg’s earlier films like E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (released in 1982) proves that he is utmost interested in creating imaginative creatures and imaginary worlds. On the other side, the Wachowski brothers were deeply influenced by different fields of knowledge, art and entertainment. For instance, the philosophic content of the conversation between Neo and Morpheus proves that Wachowski brothers made use of philosophy in this film. Besides, the film’s theme is symbolic of the influence of literature and spirituality. Themes and narrative techniques The dominant theme in the film Jurassic Park is the danger of manipulating scientific experimentation for entertainment value and harmful effect of human interference into the rules of nature. On the other side, the film The Matrix deals with the same theme because the director provides ample importance to the drawbacks of the development of science and information technology, especially computing. One can easi ly identify that this film portrays the human dependence on machines and its consequences in future. On the other side, the narrative techniques made use by Spielberg and Wachowski brothers is different. For instance, Spielberg makes use of background sound to create terror in the minds of the viewers and to manage the story information. For example, the sounds of the dinosaurs (artificial) played in the opening scene and the close ups in scene 3 leads the viewers towards an imaginative world of dinosaurs. On the other side, the film The Matrix makes use of the theme music (say, not sound) and visual effects like ‘bullet time’ as an innovative narrative technique to mesmerize the viewers. Visuals/stylistic characteristics

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The ethics of Aristotle Essay Example for Free

The ethics of Aristotle Essay Philosophers live and encourage others to live according to the rules of practical wisdom. Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and Emmanuel Levinas were three philosophers who sorted out various ethical approaches. They investigated complex human actions and theorized what is the ethical thing to do. For instance, Aristotle contemplated the aim of human life, Kant observed duty and obligation from respect for the law, and Levinas examined ones responsibility to the Other. These unique points of view offer different answers regarding the search for the good. In addition to their differences, these philosophers are bound together by similar ideas. For example, each of the philosophers believed in optimism they thought that all humans are naturally ethical. In addition, each of the philosophers believed in using reason to be ethical. They emphasized the concept of living well and acting well by using virtuous habits and good character to reach the good. Furthermore, they all believed in self actualization in other words, ethically being the best one can be. They all thought an ethical person must be rational and responsible for their actions. They proposed that each person has a duty towards others and society. Aristotle lived during the B.C. era and established the concept of teleological ethics. This means that ethics has a purpose or a reason. He stressed the concept of doctrine of the mean maintaining balance in ones actions. Additionally, he theorized the idea of developing virtuous habits to build good character as well as that happiness is the main goal of all human beings. He explained how reaching ones potential by living well and acting well will ultimately lead to happiness. Moreover, he stated one should base ones actions on reason and he introduced the concept that reason controls desire. Immanuel Kant was a philosopher who lived the majority his life in the 1700s. He believed that an individual should use God, freedom, and immortality to be able to pursue and attain the supreme good. He also believed in deontological ethics, meaning it is ones obligation and duty to do what is right. Kant said that an individual must use intellect, free will, and reason to carry out this duty. He is similar to Aristotle because likewise, he believed that it is ideal for all people to act in an ethical  manner by using reason. However, unlike Aristotle, Kant believed one must act ethically as an individual autonomy for the good of society. He said that one must use reason and free will to carry out ones duty and moral obligation to do good. He stressed the concept of not expecting to gain anything in return while performing ethical tasks even though one might not like it one should act ethically out of the goodness in ones heart. On the other hand, Aristotle believed one should act ethically as part of a community based on politics. He also expected a benefit in return, contrary to Kant. Aristotle said that it is ideal to achieve a reasonable means in ethics, and he expected to gain something like happiness for instance in return. Also, contrary to Aristotles theory, Kants theory proposes that it is not very possible to achieve the supreme good in ones lifetime. He suggested that humans must achieve this good in a life after death. This proves that their theories regarding how to achieve the supreme good differ considerably. Emmanuel Levinas was a Jewish philosopher of the 20th century. He observed that the West focused on the Unity of Beings, not the Hebrew infinity. The Hebrew Infinity focuses on uniqueness and singularity of things which gives them identity. Levinas based his ethics on this concept. Levinas believed one encounters the good or God in all individuals or in creation. He said one needs to recognize these traces, accept them, and respond to them. He talked about the thrill of astonishment, which is a face to face experience that touches one deeply. Additionally, he suggested that the face of the stranger (the Other) demands that you recognize it and provide it hospitality. Thus, the face becomes ethical. He had this whole idea of promoting freedom rather than limiting it. He believed that the face is a trace of God that refuses to use power. Instead, the face calls one to be responsible by humbly beckoning those that passes by. Kant also had similar theories as Levinas because both of them emphasized that God is necessary for a person to act ethically. In other words, they included God in their search for the good. Kant believed one cannot do this without God, whereas Levinas believed humans are motivated by God to do good. With the concept of the Other, Levinas suggested that humans have a responsibility to respond with caring and compassion. Similarly, Kant also believed in caring and  compassion because he believed in the Universal Law if it is an act that is good for everyone, then it is good for an individual. It is evident that Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and Emmanuel Levinas were three philosophers who sorted out various ethical approaches that aided them in their search for the good. Despite the fact that they have several similar theories, each philosopher has many unique theories that will continue to help future generations learn to live ethically and to ultimately achieve the greater good.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Its Time to Unionize Student Workers :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

It's Time to Unionize Student Workers If you belong to a labor union, study unions for a living, or are broadly supportive of the role unions play in making capitalist societies fairer, more democratic places to live, you quickly learn the limits of contemporary liberalism's commitment to progressive causes. Individual rights, equality, a voice in the decisions that shape one's life, are all championed for every imaginable identity group, but stop at the factory gates, and the office doors. People like me, who support the right of groups of workers to act collectively to remedy some of the injustices in the workplace, are therefore used to the outlaw status of labor unions, and their mysterious disappearance from the list of progressive causes supported by students and liberal institutions like colleges and universities. Still, even I was shocked by the mean-spiritedness, insensitivity, and plain stupidity displayed by the university newspaper editorial on student-worker organizing, and many of the students interviewed on the subject. Imagine if a protest against a racial or homophobic slur was described as "amusing" and protesters were invited to "collectively suck my dick." Much of the objection to this organizing drive appears to come from the belief that students are just playing at work, that they don't really need the money, that, ultimately, being a student is incompatible with being a worker. There is an interesting parallel with the argument, still around, though it was more popular a century ago, that we don't need to pay women as much as men because men are the primary breadwinners, and women just use what they earn as "pin money," a little extra for recreation and entertainment, not necessary to live on. This was ludicrous then, and it is equally ludicrous for State students today. One of my advisees was unable to register for a workable course schedule next semester because she is working three jobs. She is working three jobs because she can't stay at State without the money, and because all the State jobs pay around the minimum wage, so you have to work many more hours to earn enough to live on. A casual glance at the financial aid figures m akes it clear that students work here because they need to, not just to make a little extra. Higher wages would mean fewer hours worked, more time to study, and better retention rates. By the way, by the university newspaper editorial suggested that the top level of wages paid to students is so generous that students can earn close to as much as their parents if they work long hours. It's Time to Unionize Student Workers :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays It's Time to Unionize Student Workers If you belong to a labor union, study unions for a living, or are broadly supportive of the role unions play in making capitalist societies fairer, more democratic places to live, you quickly learn the limits of contemporary liberalism's commitment to progressive causes. Individual rights, equality, a voice in the decisions that shape one's life, are all championed for every imaginable identity group, but stop at the factory gates, and the office doors. People like me, who support the right of groups of workers to act collectively to remedy some of the injustices in the workplace, are therefore used to the outlaw status of labor unions, and their mysterious disappearance from the list of progressive causes supported by students and liberal institutions like colleges and universities. Still, even I was shocked by the mean-spiritedness, insensitivity, and plain stupidity displayed by the university newspaper editorial on student-worker organizing, and many of the students interviewed on the subject. Imagine if a protest against a racial or homophobic slur was described as "amusing" and protesters were invited to "collectively suck my dick." Much of the objection to this organizing drive appears to come from the belief that students are just playing at work, that they don't really need the money, that, ultimately, being a student is incompatible with being a worker. There is an interesting parallel with the argument, still around, though it was more popular a century ago, that we don't need to pay women as much as men because men are the primary breadwinners, and women just use what they earn as "pin money," a little extra for recreation and entertainment, not necessary to live on. This was ludicrous then, and it is equally ludicrous for State students today. One of my advisees was unable to register for a workable course schedule next semester because she is working three jobs. She is working three jobs because she can't stay at State without the money, and because all the State jobs pay around the minimum wage, so you have to work many more hours to earn enough to live on. A casual glance at the financial aid figures m akes it clear that students work here because they need to, not just to make a little extra. Higher wages would mean fewer hours worked, more time to study, and better retention rates. By the way, by the university newspaper editorial suggested that the top level of wages paid to students is so generous that students can earn close to as much as their parents if they work long hours.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Family Legend Passes

Blake Wilson Wilson 1/4 English 1101 Paper # 2 Narrative Essay 8/30/12 7:30PM â€Å"A Family Legend Passes† It still feels like yesterday, a place I haven’t quite left, here I was following behind an ambulance again. I remember being frustrated feeling overwhelmed over all of the repeating events, â€Å"I wanted it to be over already†, how I learned to regret that thought.We arrived to the hospital once again, I made my way to the parking garage and started circling hastily looking for a parking spot, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking of the comedy of myself circling through the garage just like this â€Å"Deja-vu† of a visit was coming to be. Things seemed kind of melancholy the standard procedures were taking place, the nurses were taking vitals, blood samples, doctors asking how much pain she was in, what medications she was on, she was being admitted once again, Carmen; my grandmother, my mom’s mom.It was getting late, I had to work th e next day and my very pregnant wife needed some rest also, so we headed home. The next day I went to work as normal as a maintenance worker I went about my usual tasks; replacing ceiling tiles, carpet repairs, patching and painting walls etc. , I remember feeling uneasy all day, I called my mother around lunch time. I was told that they’re Wilson 2/4 Going to turn off her pace maker the battery was dying and they were going to need to put a temporary one in her leg until the tech was able to get in, in a few days.I hung up the phone with my mother and went back to work, I got a call around three telling me that she didn’t get through the surgery so well and that even with the temporary pacemaker installed she wasn’t stabilizing, suddenly I found myself on the interstate doing 95mph with short emotionally unstable bursts of 115mph passing everyone I made it to the hospital from my house in about 4 minutes. What happened next I wasn’t prepared for, I walke d into the room and an nfamiliar chill overcame me I felt it coming before it could be said, â€Å"the doctors say she isn’t going to make it this time Blake they want to sedate her and let her go peacefully† I stormed out of the room muttering â€Å"you would give up you bitch† to my mother, I was lost I knew those I would hear those words someday, but not this day it couldn’t be could it? Well it was night now shows how much I was paying attention to time, everything was a blur to me now I felt numb I found myself wandering past everyone in the halls sobbing coming back from my smoke break emotionless to the world we sat through the night not sleeping.It was morning time again I had to go into to work again, my mother and wife assured me she would be there when I got back two days went by like this, no sleep, emotionless, chain smoking, no eating I couldn’t think of any reason to be selfish and eat when my grandmother Wilson 3/4 was on her death bed, the smoking was just an attempt to keep my emotions under control.I spent countless hours in the room holding my grandmothers hand, staring at the monitor, back at her and back again it was starting to seem like an countless cycle but I was enjoying the limited amount of time that was left, I went outside to smoke once more a feeling overcame me and I burst into tears something felt different, this was really happening I was going to lose the one grandma I knew all the hospital visits all the times she had recovered before now meant nothing,.I remember all the times bringing meals to her, my disabled grandmother I would sit in her room for hours talking to her about the past, learning how she used to program computers back in her younger years, so many memories flashing before my eyes â€Å"they say life flashes before your eyes before you pass but nobody ever tells you all the memories go right before a loved one passes†, I walked into the room and it felt freezing cold my mother was weeping looking on the computer for a goodbye song, my wife sitting bedside in a chair looking on to me with a look in her eyes that said what next?I held her hand one more time and whimpered out an I love you. I thought I felt my own heart beating, but soon discovered it was my dear grandmothers heart beat I could feel I felt the last few beats and then they stopped I sat bedside with my head laying on the bed for what felt to be an eternity I heard my wife ask if I was ok once more, I finally raised my head in awe she wasn’t breathing anymore, eyes still half open I reached up and closed her eyes and collapsed onto the bed in an uncontrollable fit of tears.Wilson 4/4 All I could do on the silent drive home was stare out the window mad at the world, now I knew what it felt like to lose a loved one, what a painful lesson, Maybe I should start showing more interest in those around me, you never know how precious those moments are.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Most Important Day of My Life

The Day that Changed my Life There I was having an ordinary day, a barbecue with my friends where all went as normal and then I get a call from my daughter, I was so happy as she hadn’t called me in over 6 weeks but that happiness was only temporary. She wanted to have lunch with me at that afternoon so I abandoned my friends and the barbecue just for her.While there our conversation stays on only one topic, me, until she wants the favour that I regret giving- my permission to go to Kenya for some charity work. In hope of retrieving her trust, I agree to such thing as I thought she would be safe. I warned her about the danger of the world but I knew she didn’t pay attention. I went home worried and panicking, I couldn’t sleep or concentrate on anything else, I just waited for her call but when it came it wasn’t a good one.Kidnappers called with a voice so dark and horrifying that my heart almost stopped. Their words were â€Å"She is gone forever†, I cried and cried†¦ When I finally got full of anger, I got on the first plane to Kenya looked for someone who could help me, get a gun and get my daughter back. Then I found Rebecca, she told me that these kidnappers have been working for 3 months kidnapping innocent teens from the airport and taking them to the Old Stadium to auction them.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Polonius is an interesting Essays

Polonius is an interesting Essays Polonius is an interesting Paper Polonius is an interesting Paper Essay Topic: Interesting The characters play important roles in Shakespeares Hamlet. Each character is unique in his of her contribution to the entire play. Without certain characters, the play would not have the same effect. Polonius is an interesting and complicated character who plays an important part in Hamlet. Although he is not one of the main characters, Polonius serves as the nosy chief counselor to King Claudius. Poloniuss destructive personality and meddling behavior leads to his fatal end. Poloniuss first extended speaking scene is in Act I, Scene 3. In this scene, Laertes is speaking to his sister Ophelia about Hamlets attention towards her. He warns her to protect her virtues. Polonius arrives and reminds his son that he should be on his way to Paris. Right after Laertes leaves, Polonius turns to his daughter and asks her what they were discussing before he entered the room. Although it may be common for a father to be concern with his daughters life, Polonius did not act concerned- just ignorant and criticizing. The lack of Poloniuss concern can be read in his responses to Ophelia. Right after she reveals that they were talking about Hamlet, Polonius criticized her. When Ophelia explains to her father that Laertes was concerned about Hamlets late made many tenders (1. 3. 108), Polonius just scoffs at the idea of Hamlet being attentive towards her. His words are blunt and unkind. He calls Ophelia a woodcock (1. 3. 124), which is a gullible bird. Polonius does not consider his daughters feelings for Hamlet. He continues to warn her to conduct herself well so she does not make him appear a fool. He forbids her from seeing Hamlet for the wrong, selfish reasons. In this scene, Poloniuss character displays a selfish nature where he only cares about his image. His rudeness to his daughter shows that he does not care about her. Instead, he is suspicious that she might ruin his reputation and that Hamlet has the worst intentions for Ophelia. Polonius is selfish, suspicious, and uncaring. The suspicious trait later plays a part in Claudiuss death when he is trying to find out the reason behind Hamlets insanity. Polonius is meddling in his sons life in Act II, Scene 1. Before Laertes departs to Paris, Polonius gave him some last words of advice. Polonius reminds him thou canst not be false to any man (1. 3. 83) and to thine own self be true (1.3. 84). Polonius is asking his son to be honorable and virtuous. Polonius is hypocritical for giving his son this advice because he is not trusting of his own son. After his son leaves, he sends Reynaldo to follow Laertes to Paris to find out how he is conducting himself. Polonius does not trust his son and does the dishonorable thing of sending a spy. Why would Polonius give Laertes fatherly advice and still not trust his son? This shows another weakness of Polonius. He cannot learn to trust others. He is a hypocrite for asking his son to be honorable when he cannot listen to his own advice. Polonius is proven not to be an honorable man and this ironically is how he was killed. Polonius did the unthinkable act of spying and eavesdropping on a private conversation and is killed. If Polonius had listen to his own advice to his son, Polonius would have never mettle in Hamlets life and continually spy on him. Poloniuss job is to be King Claudiuss chief counselor. Part of the job description is to help Claudius sort out information and make wise decisions. But there are moments when it seems as though Polonius wants to make the final word, as oppose to letting Claudius make the final decision. This shows that Polonius likes to meddle in other peoples business, including his own kings life. Polonius does not let other people live their lives without his words. Being nosy is the reason why Polonius got involved with Hamlets sanity issue and leads Polonius to his death later in the play. In Act II, Scene 2, Polonius suggests a reason for Hamlets sudden lunacy. He believes the reason is that Ophelia refuses to see Hamlet and that alone has driven Hamlet into madness. Polonius devises a plan where he will let Ophelia talk to Hamlet. During their encounter, Polonius and Claudius will observe the situation from a hidden area. From this encounter, Polonius ensures Claudius that they will find the true reason for Hamlets madness. Poloniuss insensitivity towards Ophelias situation is shown when he uses her for his personal plans. He does not take her feelings into consideration and uses her as a prop to impress Claudius. But Poloniuss plan did not please Claudius. After watching the couple interacts, Claudius is now convinced that love is not the cause of Hamlets craziness. Dissatisfied that the King did not agree with his theory, Polonius urges one last attempt to find out Hamlets secret. Polonius is desperate to convince the King that his theory is right. Polonius wants to please Claudius, but he also does not want to be wrong. As a counselor, he should be obedient to the King. Instead, he tries to control Claudius by ignoring Claudiuss theory and convinces him to give one last attempt to find the whole truth. Little did he know his last meddling in Hamlets life would be a fatal one. Poloniuss life ends tragically. While hiding behind the arras and eavesdropping on Hamlet and Queen Gertrude, Polonius is convinced the truth would be revealed. Polonius is meddling in Hamlets life by getting involved in a situation that has nothing to do with him. During Hamlets and Gertrudes conversation, she is frightened by Hamlet which prompts Polonius to echo a cry out for help. Thinking Polonius was the king, Hamlet thrusts his rapier into the arras and kills him, whom Hamlet describes as a fool (3. 4. 38). Even Hamlet recognizes that Poloniuss death is avoidable if only he had stayed out of everyones personal business. Poloniuss sudden death is caused by his nosy, meddling ways. He is out to seek the truth about Hamlet and, ironically, is killed by Hamlet. If Polonius stopped meddling in Hamlets life in Act II, Scene 1, he would still be alive to be by the Kings side. Instead, he forces his way into finding secrets that do not involves him and ends up dead. Poloniuss destructive and prying personality is what kills him. Polonius plays an important role in Shakespeares play Hamlet. He meddles in other characters lives. He also sticks his nose into others situations. He is a selfish, suspicious, dishonorable, and nosy. These qualities are destructive and that is why his life ended so tragically. Poloniuss early death foreshadows the other characters deaths later in the play.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Profile of Serial Killer and Rapist Henry Louis Wallace

Profile of Serial Killer and Rapist Henry Louis Wallace Serial killer Henry Louis Wallace killing spree began in 1990 with the murder of Tashonda Bethea in his hometown of Barnwell, South Carolina. He went on to rape and murder nine  women in Charlotte, North Carolina between 1992 and 1994. He was arrested on March 13, 1994. After a subsequent trial and conviction, Wallace (a.k.a. The Taco Bell Strangler) was given death penalty on nine counts and is awaiting the sentence to be carried out. Early Life Henry Louis Wallace was born on November 4, 1965, in Barnwell, South Carolina, to Lottie Mae Wallace, a single mother. The home Wallace shared with his older sister (by three years), his mother, and his great-grandmother had no plumbing or electricity. Wallaces mother was a strict disciplinarian who had little patience for her young son. She did not get along with her mother, either, and the two argued constantly. Despite the fact that Lottie worked long hours at a full-time job in a textile mill, the family had very little money. As Wallace outgrew out his clothing, he was given his sisters hand-me-downs to wear.  When Lottie felt the children needed to be disciplined, and she was too tired to do it herself, shed often make Wallace and his sister get a switch from the yard and whip each other. High School and College Despite his volatile home life, Wallace was popular at Barnwell High School. He was on the student council and. His mother would not allow him to play football, so he became a cheerleader instead. Wallace enjoyed high school and the positive feedback he received from other students, but academically his performance was less than stellar. After graduating in 1983, he attended one semester at South Carolina State College and one semester at a technical college. At the time, Wallace worked part-time as a disc jockey, which he preferred to college. Unfortunately, his radio career was short-lived. He was fired after he was caught stealing CDs. Navy, Marriage And a Downward Spiral With nothing holding him in Barnwell, Wallace joined U.S. Naval Reserve. From all reports, he did what he was told to do and he did it well.  In 1985, he married high school classmate, Maretta Brabham. In addition to becoming a husband, he also took on the role of stepfather to Brabhams daughter.   Not long after he was married, Wallace began using drugs- and his drug of choice was crack cocaine. To pay for the narcotics, he began burglarizing homes and businesses. While stationed in Washington, he was served with burglary warrants for crimes  in the  Seattle  metro area. In January 1988, he was arrested for breaking into a hardware store, and later plead guilty to a charge of second-degree burglary. The judge sentenced him to two years of supervised  probation but according to his probation officer, Wallace blew off most of the mandatory meetings. In February 1991, Wallace broke into his old high school and the radio station where he once worked. He stole video and recording equipment and was caught trying to pawn them. In 1992, he was arrested for breaking and entering. Due to his near-perfect service record, Wallace managed to get an Honorable Discharge from the Navy when his criminal activity came to light, but he was sent on his way. Shortly thereafter, his wife him. In November of that year, he relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina where he found work at several fast-food restaurants. Wallace's Murder Time Line In early 1990, Wallace murdered Tashonda Bethea in his hometown of Barnwell, and then dumped her body in a lake. Her corpse was not discovered until weeks later. Wallace was questioned by the police regarding her disappearance but was never formally charged in her murder. He was also questioned in connection with the attempted rape of a 16-year-old Barnwell girl, but again, was not charged.In May 1992, Wallace picked up Sharon Nance, a convicted drug dealer and known prostitute. When she demanded payment for her services, Wallace beat her to death, then dropped her body by the railroad tracks. She was found a few days later.In June 1992, he raped and strangled Caroline Love at her apartment, then dumped her body in a wooded area. Love was a friend of Wallaces girlfriend. After he killed her, he and her sister filed a missing persons report at the police station. It would be almost two years (March 1994) before her body was discovered.On February 19, 1993, Wallace strangled Shawna Haw k at her home after first having sex with her and later went to her funeral. Hawk worked at Taco Bell, where Wallace was her supervisor. In March 1993, Hawks mother, Dee Sumpter, and her godmother Judy Williams founded Mothers of Murdered Offspring, a Charlotte-based support group for parents of murdered children.On June 22, he raped and strangled coworker Audrey Spain. Her body was found two days later.On August 10, 1993, Wallace raped and strangled Valencia M. Jumper- a friend of his sister- then set her on fire to cover up his crime. A few days after her murder, he and his sister went to Valencias funeral.A month later, in September 1993, he went to the apartment of Michelle Stinson, a struggling college student and single mother of two sons. Stinson was a friend of his from Taco Bell. He raped her and then, sometime later, strangled and stabbed her in front of her eldest son.On February 4, 1994, Wallace was arrested for shoplifting, but police had not made a connection between h im and the murders. On February 20, 1994, Wallace strangled Vanessa Little Mack, another Taco Bell employee, in her apartment. Mack had two daughters, aged 7 and 4 months at the time of her death.On March 8, 1994, Wallace robbed and strangled Betty Jean Baucom. Baucom and Wallaces girlfriend were co-workers. Afterward, he took valuables from the house and left the apartment, taking her car. He pawned everything except the car, which he left at a shopping center.Wallace went back to the same apartment complex on the night of March 8, 1994, knowing that a man named Berness Woods would be at work and would have access to Woods girlfriend, Brandi June Henderson. Wallace raped Henderson while she held her baby, and then strangled her. He also strangled her son, but the boy survived. Afterward, Wallace took some valuables from the apartment and left.The police beefed up patrols in east Charlotte after two bodies of young black women were found at The Lake apartment complex. Even so, Walla ce sneaked through to rob and strangle Deborah Ann Slaughter, who had been a co-worker of his girlfriend, and stabbed her 38 times in the stomach and chest. Her body was found on March 12, 1994. Arrest, Trial, and Aftermath Wallace was arrested on March 13, 1994. For 12 hours, he confessed to the murders of 10 women in Charlotte. He described in detail the womens appearances; how hed raped, robbed, and killed them; and spoke about his crack addiction. Over the next two years, Wallaces trial was delayed due to the choice of venue, DNA evidence from murdered victims, and jury selection. Proceedings began in September 1996. On January 7, 1997, Wallace was found guilty of nine murders. On January 29, he was sentenced to nine death sentences. On June 5, 1998, Wallace married a former prison nurse, Rebecca Torrijas, in a ceremony that was held next to the execution chamber where he has been sentenced to die. Since his conviction, Wallace has made several appeals in an attempt to overturn his death sentences. He stated that his confessions had been coerced and his Constitutional rights had been violated.  In 2000, North Carolina’s Supreme Court upheld the death sentences. His appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was denied in 2001, and in 2005, Superior Court Judge Charles Lamm rejected a further appeal to overturn Wallace’s convictions and nine death sentences.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

American Workforce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American Workforce - Essay Example The workers are witnessing a steady rise in various new segments such as health, computers, information technology and numerous other public sectors. The service sector itself saw a substantial rise in the number of labors in transportation, services, wholesale and retail trade, utilities, finance, real estate, insurance and even in the government jobs. Now let us look closely at the changing percentage of gender, age, race and disability the face of the changing job market. Role of Gender Men are historically known to contribute the largest part of employee ratio, with white men leading the show. However this statistics is witnessing an amazing transformation as more and more ladies step out of their homes to earn a living. Women play a very significant role in the contribution of the total labor force as they account for 46.8 percent of labor as of 2009. America gives employment to 66 Million women of which 74 percent worked on a full time basis while the remaining 26 percent compr ised of part time workers.